Personal Development
Personal Development is an Ofsted recognised learning area. Personal Development encourages each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives; To become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
"Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships." (Goleman, 1998)
People only grow when they feel safe being vulnerable. Making mistakes, learning from them, and owning up to our failures can go a long way towards personal growth.
At Stable Futures and The Paddocks, we teach our young people how to handle adversity while providing an encouraging environment.
PD supports the promotion of genuine relationships within the community and enables young people to:
• work towards achieving their individual potential.
• become confident, interdependent and participative citizens.
• make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
The capacity to do this relies on a strong sense of identity, understanding how to maintain wellbeing, developing autonomy and gaining a sense of life purpose and direction.
The concept of wellbeing encompasses the social, physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual dimensions of the individual. It requires learners to have an understanding of these dimensions that contribute the health of self, others and the community; to understand the complex nature of wellbeing and how each dimension contributes to a ‘balanced individual’.
Personal Development Curriculum
Stable Futures has developed a working definition and commitment to pupils’ personal development.
We aim to support all learners at Stable Futures to develop as confident, resilient, independent and responsible citizens who are able to make informed and healthy decisions throughout their lives. This will require us to develop learner’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural skills and to support their physical and emotional wellbeing. All children have dedicated lessons on their timetable for Personal Development.
We have developed a framework for assessing pupils in six different areas of Personal Development.
Engagement with learning
Relationships and communication
Regulating own behaviours
Respect and tolerance
Responsible decision-making
Within these six categories there are more specific focus areas for pupils’ Personal Development. Staff, young people and stakeholders agree individualised focus areas.
There is an assessment as part of pupils' induction to the school and reviews every half term of pupils’
progress in their Personal Development. This is tracked weekly for progress
Once areas for development have been agreed, interventions are put in place to develop pupils’ skills. These include:
activities in the community to support social communication skills
outdoor activities to enable students to expose themselves to new experiences.
Below are examples of interventions that are offered to students to support them in their focus areas for personal development.
Planning for My Future- Transition and next steps and careers
Cooking- healthy eating-foraging
Animal Care
Equine Care
Horticulture and Land Base Studies
Forest and Bush Craft Skills
First Aid Certs
Keeping Safe – RSHE
IDL- Numeracy and Literacy
AQA unit award Certificates
Stable Futures Award